
Scenario: Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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Scenario Overview:
Your coworker is clutching his chest, and seems to be in pain. He tries to assure you he is fine, but he suddenly collapses. 2 other coworkers see, and come to your aid.
First Aider Moderate
How the scenario should progress:
The victim, after collapsing should receive CPR from first aider 1, while 2 calls 911 and 3 gets an AED. If CPR is not started after 3 minutes, the patient will die. After 2 rounds of CPR the AED arrives, and after 2 shocks, the patient will start breathing again.
Patient 1:
Name:     Age: 21    Sex: Male
Medication: None Known
Allergies: Eggs
Past medical/family/social history: Unknown heart condition.
Findings on examination: Not breathing, and no pulse.
Possible treatment from first aiders: After examining the patient, CPR should be administered and someone should call 911 and get an AED.
Time after start: Before Cardiac Arrest 1 min. 2 min. After 2nd AED shock 5 minutes after 2nd AED shock
Response: Alert Unresponsive Unresponsive Unresponsive Voice
Airway: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Breathing? Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Respirations: Normal Weak None Weak Getting Better
Pulse: Strong Weak None Weak Getting Stronger
Oxygen Sats: Normal Low None Low Normal
Pain Score: No pain No pain No pain No pain No pain

Tips for the patient actors:

Scenario submitted by: Anonymous